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Before sending in your application, please read below for answers to some of the most Frequently Asked Questions as well as our operating practices.
Vendors and all their employees should be thoroughly familiar with our operating practices.

CODE OF CONDUCT:All members of the Vero Beach Farmers Market must behave courteously toward customers, board members, staff, and volunteers, promoting community, camaraderie, and cooperative involvement. Negatively discussing other vendors with customers or other vendors is strictly prohibited. The Vero Beach Farmers Market is a non-partisan organization. To ensure a welcoming and inclusive environment, vendors are prohibited from promoting political parties, candidates, or political agendas while at the market. Our goal is to create a space that fosters community, cooperation, and mutual respect. We recognize that political discussions can be divisive and detract from this mission. Vendors are encouraged to focus on their products and services to contribute to a positive market experience for all attendees.
PUNCTUALITY & ATTENDANCE POLICY:HOURS OF OPERATION: 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM, every Saturday. All vendors must be completely set up by 8:00 AM and remain at the market until 12:00 PM unless permission has been granted by the Market Manager for late arrival or early breakdown. Vendors must notify the Market Manager at least 24 hours in advance of any absences. Failure to notify the Market Manager will result in a no-call, no-show designation. As the market has been on a waitlist for several years, two or more consecutive no-call, no-show absences will result in vendors forfeiting their space at the market.
BOOTH ASSIGNMENTS:The Market Manager will make Booth assignments. Your space is assigned to you, and it is not transferable. You can request a transfer to a new space, but you will have to wait until one opens up.
BOOTH FEES$30/day per Standard 10x10 Space $20/day MicroBooth 5x5 Space (standard patio umbrella + table is acceptable as well) $5/day surcharge for electricity (if required). Booth fees include sales tax. Vendors are required to pay for their space regardless of attendance. Payment is due on the day of the market. Any past-due payments must be cleared upon the vendor’s return to the market. *Farmers are exempt from absentee fees before their harvest season begins and after it ends, but will be charged for any regular absences during the season. All payments and deposits are non-refundable, no exceptions.
ABSENTEE FEE SCHEDULE:Absences In Season (Nov - May): All vendors are required to pay for their space in full whether in attendance or not. Absences Out of Season (June - Oct): Vendors who have participated full-time in the market for a minimum of 3 consecutive years are eligible for a 50% discount on booth fees for absences during the off-season.
RESERVING A BOOTH OUT OF SEASON:Vendors who have attended the market full-time for at least 3 years can reserve a space for the next season and still take the summer off. To reserve a space, 50% of the booth fee is due monthly, in advance, for each week absent from the market during the off-season. Failure to pay in a timely manner can result in a vendor forfeiting their space in the market. Reserving a space out of season does not guarantee the same booth location, only that a space will be available upon the vendor’s return. All payments and deposits are non-refundable, no exceptions.
MARKET CANCELLATIONS:The Vero Beach Farmers Market operates rain or shine and is only canceled for unsafe weather conditions or conditions like severe rain and high winds that make vending impossible. Except for hurricanes, the market will NOT make cancellation decisions in advance. Due to our location near the ocean, weather forecasts are often incorrect. If you are a vendor with perishable products, we recommend you make your own decision in advance about attending based on weather conditions. Billing: If the market is canceled before 10:00 AM, no fee will be assessed for the day. If the market is canceled after 10:00 AM, full payment will be due. If weather conditions prevent payment from being collected on the day, it will be due the following week. If a market is cancelled during operations, vendors MUST pack up and go home immediately. This is non-negotiable. In the event the market is cancelled the morning of, or in advance, vendors must NOT set up.
SET-UP & BREAKDOWN:Set-up: 6:00 - 8:00am. All vehicles must be out of the market by 7:50 AM. Vendors can use vehicles to load/unload but must move them after unloading to allow other vendors access. Breakdown: 12:00 – 1:30pm. Vehicles are not allowed into the market until 12:15 PM to allow customers time to vacate the premises.
CLEAN UP:Each vendor is responsible for cleaning their space. All food vendors must use a covering under any cooking equipment, and no oil should reach the ground. Vendors must remove all garbage and boxes from their area, leaving the space in the same or better condition than found. Garbage can be disposed of in the dumpster at Humiston Park. Dumping trash in city bins or the Seacoast Bank dumpster is prohibited. Vendors who violate this will receive one warning, followed by a $10 fine for further violations.
PARKING:Parking is prohibited in the Seacoast Bank Parking Lot, in the Parking Garage on Dahlia, and on the western side of Ocean Drive with 2 hour parking in front of local businesses. Business owners WILL tow market vendors and/or have them ticketed. Please respect our neighboring businesses and do not park in those areas. Parking in the church parking lot is donated by St. Paul's Church. Standard sized vehicles are welcome to park but please no oversized trucks and/or trailers. Vendors are free to park along Dahlia Ln, on the eastern side of Ocean Drive along the Humiston Park Sidewalk, in the designated vendor parking aisle of the market, in the St. Paul’s Church parking lot, and in the parking lot next to Humiston park – along the park only (not in front of the businesses).
EXHIBIT SPACE:- Market Manager reserves the right to assign spaces and relocate vendors at any time for any reason. - Regular vendors are required to set up under 10x10 tents canopies - Micro Vendors are vendors whose products fit within a 5’x5’ space. Micro Vendors will be allowed to set up under a 5x5 canopy or a patio umbrella. - Tent and umbrella weights are required at all times in case of high winds. - Use of city property, such as light poles, sculptures, etc. to secure the canopies is prohibited. - Sharing of Booth space is not permitted. - · All tents, umbrellas, signs and displays must remain within the allotted vendor’s exhibit space and must not block traffic or pedestrian ingress or egress, or interfere with other vendors’ displays or views. Extraneous signage should be anchored as to not blow or fall in case of wind. -All food products must be sold, displayed and stored from a surface above the ground.
PRODUCT APPROVALS:PRODUCT QUALITY: The Vero Beach Farmers Market strives to provide a marketplace where fresh, wholesome, quality products are sold. If product quality declines, the Market Manager has the sole discretion to dismiss a vendor. PRODUCT APPROVAL: The VBFM Board and Market Manager reserve the right to limit products and the number of vendors for the benefit of the Farmers Market as a whole. Vendor applications must include a complete list of products for sale. Only approved products listed on the application may be sold. Any vendor selling items not listed on their most recent application and not approved by the Market Manager or Board must stop selling those items immediately upon request. Vendors who wish to add new products must submit a new application to the Market Manager for review and approval before selling. The sale or consumption of drugs or alcoholic beverages on the market site is strictly prohibited!
ORGANIC LABELING AND PRODUCT REPRESENTATION:The Vero Beach Farmers Market is committed to ensuring customers can trust that products labeled as Organic, Local, Pesticide-Free, Hydroponic, etc., are accurately represented. Vendors found deliberately misrepresenting their products will be immediately dismissed from the market. Federal law restricts the use of the phrases “Certified Organic” and "Organic" to those certified by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the Farmers Market enforces compliance with these rules. All vendors advertising products as organic must comply with USDA National Organic Program regulations. · Farmers must provide proof of organic certification. · Retail vendors must provide proof of organic integrity and supply chain traceability before being permitted to label resale products as "organic" or “certified organic" at the market. Once a retail vendor has established proof of organic suppliers, said vendor will still be required to submit to random checks of traceable receipts to maintain this standard. If vendors are unable to provide those receipts upon request, they will not be allowed to label or represent products as organic moving forward, until they can re-establish proof of organic integrity. These requirements apply to printed materials as well as verbal representations of products as organic. For more information on USDA National Organic Program regulations, visit: USDA Organic Regulations.
REGULATIONS & LIABILITY:HEALTH PRACTICES: All vendors must adhere to sanitary procedures as outlined by the Indian River County Health Department. Any vendor found selling contaminated foodstuffs or produce, or selling in the Market without proper health precautions, will not be allowed back to the market. Vendors are responsible for collecting and remitting their own sales tax. Vendors must comply with all Federal, State, County, and City laws, regulations, and ordinances, and are responsible for obtaining all required permits/licenses from relevant authorities. Vendors must provide proof of compliance to the Market Manager prior to entry into the market and upon request thereafter. Vendors must obtain and maintain individual General Liability insurance for any claims that may arise at the Farmers Market Oceanside Vero Beach. Business Inspiring Kindness must be listed as additional insured on the Certificate of Insurance, and a copy must be provided to the Market Manager. It is the responsibility of the vendor to promptly submit yearly insurance renewals to the Market Manager. By signing the Market Rules, vendors agree to waive any and all liability of the Farmers Market Oceanside, Vero Beach, for claims, actions, or damages.
REGULATIONS FOR DIFFERENT VENDOR CATEGORIES:FOOD VENDORS: Prior to selling at the Market, all prepared food vendors will submit a copy of their food licensing from the Florida Department of Agriculture or the Department of Business and Professional Regulation to the Market Manager. These permits must be kept with you during Market hours and presented upon request. PRODUCE / MEAT VENDORS: Farm vendors must submit an application to the Market Manager and must grow their produce or meats. Vendors selling meat must be in compliance with Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services regulations. No resellers are accepted beyond those already grandfathered into the market. Exceptions may be made if a resale space opens due to a vendor leaving the market, and selection will be based on quality and freshness. CRAFT VENDORS: Craft vendors must submit an application to the Market Manager. All items must be handmade by the vendor selling them. Selections will be based on quality, originality, and space availability. Eligible crafts are defined as “Handmade, home and garden decorative accessories.” PLANT VENDORS: Plant vendors must submit an application and nursery license to the Market Manager. Selections will be made on the basis of quality, originality, and space availability. COTTAGE FOOD VENDORS: Cottage food vendors are vendors whose products fall under the FL Dept. of Agriculture’s Cottage Food Act. Cottage food vendors will be required to have proper labeling on all products and must follow the Florida Department of Agriculture’s guidelines.
PRICING:Pricing of goods sold at the Market is solely the responsibility of the individual vendor. It is a violation of federal law for one vendor to attempt to influence another vendor’s pricing. Any vendor found in violation will be removed from the market.
SMOKING POLICY:Vendor smoking is prohibited within the farmers market. Please go to the designated parking areas to smoke.
GRIEVANCES:MARKET MANAGER AUTHORITY: Failure to comply with the Vero Beach Farmers Market rules may result in suspension, expulsion, or fines at the discretion of the Market Manager. The Market Manager has full authority to remove any person or vendor in violation of market regulations, local ordinances, or state laws, or for failing to comply with market management requests. The Market Manager also enforces all market rules, including space assignments and fee collections on behalf of the Board of Directors. In any disputes between vendors, the Market Manager's decision is final. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: If the Market Manager has been unable to resolve an issue satisfactorily, the BIK Farmers Market Chair has final authority to resolve issues. In any situation, the Market Manager’s decision must be adhered to until such a time that the BIK Board of Directors chooses to reverse or change it. The BIK Board of Directors reserves the right to expel a Vendor at any time, for any reason. GRIEVANCE POLICY: The Market Manager is responsible for resolving rule violations. Vendors selling prohibited items must either remove them from sale or leave the market. Unresolved issues will be referred to the Board of Directors. Vendors lodging a complaint against another vendor must provide the Market Manager with the vendor's name and specific issue. Complaints are not anonymous, and the Market Manager will attempt to resolve the issue. If unresolved, the matter will be escalated to the Board. The Market Manager has the right to impose disciplinary action at the market site. Vendors may appeal any disciplinary decision within two weeks. Exceptions to market policies may be granted by the Market Manager on an individual basis. Failure to immediately comply with the Market Manager’s requests will result in revocation of the vendor’s selling privileges and possible expulsion from the market. Should expulsion occur, the vendor must vacate the premises immediately. Failure to do so will result in the vendor’s property being removed at their expense, and the market is not responsible for any loss or damage incurred. CUSTOMER DISSATISFACTION: If a customer dispute arises, it must be resolved promptly to the satisfaction of both the customer and the Market Manager.
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